Description: Maves aims to understand, conserve and enhance the environment south and west of Arundel, shown in maps on this page. The site describes the organisation, its findings, and how both experts and the general public can help and can benefit from MAVES' work.
nature (8078) environment (3781) birds (1955) ecology (1028) wildflowers (236) bypass (134) arundel (72) a27 (16) maves (3) arun valley (3)
Mid Arun Valley Environmental Survey (MAVES) is now part of Arun Countryside Trust CIO - Registered Charity number 1180078
In 2018, recognizing the importance and the at-risk situation of our Arun countryside' rich natural and cultural heritage, we gained registered charity status as the Arun Countryside Trust .
Arun means many things to many people. Here is a map of the District, with Walberton, where ACT had its beginnings, in blue: