edeniniraq.com - Eden in Iraq |

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The Eden in Iraq Wastewater Garden Project (2011-present)   is a humanitarian water remediation project, expressed through wastewater garden design and environmental art, that provides environmental and cultural regeneration to a desiccated region of southern Iraq.  This project is a collaboration between co-directors artist/photographer  Meridel Rubenstein and environmental engineer Dr. Davide Tocchetto, with environmental engineer Dr. Mark Nelson and engineer and managing director Nature Iraq NGO, Jassim

The Garden will provide urgently needed health and clean water for southern Iraqis, their children, and future generations to come. This project, sponsored by NGO Nature Iraq  in Iraq and the Institute of Ecotechnics  in both the UK and USA , is a response to decades of conflict in this region and continued tension due to climate change, external water rights violations, and social upheaval.   Initial support since 2011 spans from Iraqi municipalities, the region and State, to international sources; most re

The wastewater garden features locally significant design details , making it a beautifully designed public site that emphasizes cultural heritage, while restoring health and offering ecological education. It will provide a sanctuary for reflection and relaxation in a continuously unsettled time. The garden design will engage with local craftspeople, local materials, and ancient crafts e.g. reed structures, earthen brick, ancient cylinder seal patterns for ceramic tiles, and a floral design layout that is i

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