Description: With over 3500 original recordings of instrumental music produced since the early 1950s by excellent musicians and orchestras in the best studios in Europe.
Edward Chilvers, Young Steinway artist and composer (photo by Michael Pitt)
Our catalogue contains works by an extensive range of composers.
Alan Abbott Conny Augustin Ferry Barendse Rudi Bauer Armand Bernard Peter Biber Ronald Binge Jo Bonte Cole Bourne Helmut Brandenburg John Carmichael Frank Chacksfield Edward Chilvers Pamela Chilvers Peter Clare Sten Clift Mark Dale Eric Davids Terry Day Brian Dee Albert Delroy Carlos Diernhammer Robert Docker Marcus Dods Nico Dostal Brian Douglas Madeleine Dring Cedric Dumont John Dyer Werner Eisbrenner George Elliott Carlo Esposito Harry Essex Leo Fall Carl Faust Paul Fenoulhet Tony Fenton Sam Fonteyn Jean