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Description: Section 1:  Dentists intentionally harm patients for $$$BIGPROFIT$$$.Herein is how a prosthodontist, a “Dr.” Edmund Jay, who boasts to be “The TMJ Specialist who is superior to general dentists”, took advantage of my trust in order to profiteer from my TM

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Edmund W. Jay is a Dishonest Dentist

Herein is how a prosthodontist/dentist, a “Dr.” Edmund W. Jay, in San Diego, who falsely boasts to be “The TMJ Specialist", systematically defrauded/scammed $54,483.00 from us and our insurance company for his harmful splints and ill-fitting and inferior crowns, etc., which he forced me to suffer with.  In order to defraud this $54,483.00, Edmund Jay took cruel and  predatory advantage of my trust, very painful condition and vulnerable state, which was a dentist induced/caused TMJ disorder. 

In a detailed and legally binding written contract, "Dr." Jay promised to therapeutically treat and cure my condition and he also put in writing that he would only deliver superior and excellent care to me.