edparton.com - ♞ⓔⓓ ⓟⓐⓡⓣⓞⓝ | Personal Website

Description: Official website of Ed Parton

website design (13455) webpage design (173) atlanta music (24) parton (23) ed parton (1) edward parton (1) jollymoon (1) nanyana (1) greater atlanta church of christ (1) artists and entertainers (1)

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Welcome to my special little corner of the internet. Shamelessly promoted content can be found throughout... On my Blog you will find many outrageous resources and links. I surf the Web hunting for the off-the-wall and na'er-do-well types of wonderous web juicyness. You might learn something. There is even something Spiritual awaiting you.

Feel free to explore. Discovery is good for the soul. Visit often, as I get crazy and change things around all the time...just for fun. Who knows? You might even be inspired to try your own web site.

I dabble in web pages and nanyana is my attempt at being a web designer. I use many examples that I find on the internet of interesting layouts, code, scripts and just plain confusing webmaster stuff.

Links to edparton.com (1)