edventurepartners.com - EdVenture Partners

Description: A marketing agency focused on reaching the Gen Z, collegiate and youth markets through experiential learning programs that solve branding, social impact, communications, sales, recruiting and other challenges for our clients.

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Our uniquely effective model runs on peer to peer marketing — students at schools and universities across the globe marketing to their peers. The students gain invaluable real-world experience and your brand, product or social cause benefits from this grassroots approach.

Gen Z is looking to their peers as influencers more than any previous generation, so throw your traditional tactics out the window and let college students run an on-campus or digital campaign for your brand.

“An interesting program to reference in this regard is EdVenture Peer to Peer program. The program allows university students to develop messaging and digital media campaigns to address hate, bias and extremism with the goal of creating branding that is “credible, authentic, and believable to their peers and resonate within their communities.” The messaging is designed by the very communities who have the most credibility, cultural orientation, and media savvy to reach broad audiences…” - Joumana Silyan-Sab

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