edwindanielward.com - Phys. Rev. A 97, 043401 (2018) - Expansion of an ultracold Rydberg plasma

Description: We report a systematic experimental and numerical study of the expansion of ultracold Rydberg plasmas. Specifically, we have measured the asymptotic expansion velocities, ${v}_{0}$, of ultracold neutral plasmas (UNPs) which evolve from cold, dense samples of Rydberg rubidium atoms using ion time-of-flight spectroscopy. From this, we have obtained values for the effective initial plasma electron temperature, ${T}_{e,0}={m}_{\mathrm{ion}}{v}_{0}^{2}/{k}_{B}$ (where ${m}_{\mathrm{ion}}$ is the ${\mathrm{Rb}}^{

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We report a systematic experimental and numerical study of the expansion of ultracold Rydberg plasmas. Specifically, we have measured the asymptotic expansion velocities, v 0 , of ultracold neutral plasmas (UNPs) which evolve from cold, dense samples of Rydberg rubidium atoms using ion time-of-flight spectroscopy. From this, we have obtained values for the effective initial plasma electron temperature, T e , 0 = m ion v 0 2 / k B (where m ion is the Rb + ion mass), as a function of the original Rydberg atom