- Welcome to EES India. We value your waste. Let us end it together.

management (14188) drainage (1133) waste (1005) municipal (932) solid waste (69) storm water (58) swm (46) iswm (2)

Example domain paragraphs


Today factors like global warming, pollution of air, water and land resources have plagued the world. Increasing population and un-arrested growing waste volume have been creating issues like dumping in open areas and public spaces. This in turn has led to large scale open waste dumping sites and inappropriate disposal in rivers in many countries. Foul smell and infections arising from the waste creates nuisance to the local populace. And each day, this problem only increases with no solution seemingly aris

At  Environmental Engineering Services , we look to solving problems & issues at hand in an  EES y  way! A highly skilled experienced and multi-disciplinary team at  EES   has dedicated itself to finding out solutions that reduce the waste burden on our planet EARTH, be it solid waste or liquid .