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We translate communication within a business context as : « The streamlined exchange of information in between business relations, irregardless of the business data carrier. Throughout that process we cover the business values important to your organisation (customer & employee delight, cost reduction, cashflow management,…). All within a secure framework and in line with regulatory compliance. No worries, information is your friend. Effect is your partner to assist you in this journey.

Business interaction with customers and suppliers tend to be unstructured « by nature ». Effect has the gear AND the skills to cope with this massive multitude of input channels (Phone, email, hardcopy documents, portals, mobile data recording,…) Once captured, YOU are back in charge!

There is a clear need to interconnect the different IT- systems (CRM – ERP – DMS -...) residing within a business. We add strong extra layers to these “islands of information”. Some call it integration, we say: GAIN “BACK” CONTROL on your business data.