Description: EFMA
articles (4408) journal (2194) announcements (263) efm (26) efma (2)
European Financial Management Association (EFMA) was founded in 1991 by Prof. John Doukas to encourage research and disseminate knowledge about financial decision making in all areas of finance as it relates to European corporations, financial institutions and capital markets. To achieve its objective, the European Financial Management Association provides its membership with a refereed journal, the European Financial Management, and holds Annual Meetings at which members exchange ideas, present and discuss
June 28 - July 1, 2023 EFMA2023 Keynote Address Keynote Speaker: Professor Lauren Cohen, Harvard Business School Title: "Patent Hunters: Charting the Future of Innovation"
June 28 - July 1, 2023 Distinguished Keynote Speaker on FX Risk: Professor Adrien Verdelhan, Sloan School of Management MIT Title: "Exchange Rate Risk in Public Firms"