Description: augmenting human intelligence with variation
Glassman Lab @ Harvard SEAS augmenting human intelligence with computation Science and Engineering Center Rooms 2.347 (Student Office) & 2.108 (Faculty Office) John A. Paulson School of Engineering & Applied Sciences Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
We design, build and evaluate systems for comprehending and interacting with population-level structure and trends in large code and data corpora. These systems augment human intelligence by giving users a “useful degree of comprehension in a situation that previously was too complex.” -D. C. Engelbart
Designed for PhD students from all areas. Masters students and advanced undergraduates are welcome, particularly those who wish to do research (or write a thesis) in an area related to Human-Computer Interaction and/or Programming Languages. Undergraduates enrolling in 279r or 252r are recommended but not required to have taken 179 or 152, respectively.