eidoscreative.com - Default Parallels Plesk Panel Page

Description: Eidos Creative Media is a full-service video production company in metro Detroit, Michigan. We offer video based creative solutions for companies' branding and communication needs. Eidos Creative specializes in web and social media, broadcast, live event, internal communications and external communications.

video (51727) production (8377) writer (7720) director (4719) editing (3343) video editing (1354) post-production (1074) edit (514) pre-production (80) story development (24)

Example domain paragraphs

eidos : noun | ei•dos |  \ ˈīˌdäs , ˈāˌ- \ 1: something that is seen or intuited 2: idea  3: form, essence

Every company has great stories to tell

Eidos Creative are the folks that tell them.