eips.net - Index

Description: The Eastern Idaho Photographic Society has for over twenty years promoted the visual art of photography in Idaho Falls. Members are amateur and professional photographers from Idaho Falls and surrounding towns.

photography (50496) idaho (1525) photographers (1458) photographic (431) photo club (41) photoclub (17) eips (2)

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The Eastern Idaho Photographic Society (EIPS) of Idaho Falls, Idaho, is a photography club for amateur and professional photographers. We enjoy sharing our experiences and ideas about places to go, photo tips, etc.; having presentations and hands-on workshops about methods for taking pictures and for enhancing them afterwards; holding friendly photo critiques where we view pictures and consider possible improvements; and displaying our photographic art in public venues. Of course, we also like to go out and

Come and join us as we pursue opportunities to ...

The workshop or excursion and presentation/tutorial activities generally occur on one meeting night in a month, with friendly critiques on a the other meeting night.