eitzpri.com - Home page - Eitz Pri Kollel

Description: Welcome to Kollel Eitz Pri Welcome to Kollel Eitz Pri About About Kollel Eitz Pri Eitz Pri is no standard afternoon kollel…it's an exciting blend of deep learning and personal development, through mussar and avoda. Our approach to Torah growth is both innovative and totally authentic.Learn halacha be’iyun – from ‘pasuk to posek’ so clearly

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WELCOME TO KOLLEL EITZ PRI Get More Info About Kollel Eitz Pri Eitz Pri is an innovative afternoon kollel that combines deep and clear learning with self-development through Mussar and Avoda.

We have struck upon an original yet totally authentic way of growth in Torah.

Through our study of Mussar seforim, we gain deep insights into who we are and what our mission is in life.