ekodama.pl - eKodama – architekt, budynki strawbale, architektura naturalna, earthship – projekty, koncepcje, budowlane, wykonawcze, Oława, W

Description: Architekt. Zajmuję się projektowaniem budynków w technologiach naturalnych oraz standardowych.

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I specialise in sustainable, ecological design. Why? Because we live in connection with everything that surrounds us. The environment that we create also affects our health and well-being. In buildings we spend most of our time, so it is important that they are healthy and harmoniously linked in the context.

© 2022 by EKODAMA STUDIO Sp. z o.o. EKODAMA STUDIO Sp z o.o., Ścinawa 56a, 55‑200 Ścinawa, PL [email protected] , +48 669 757 613

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