ekonm.com - DKM | EKON Modeling Software Systems Ltd

horizon 2020 (62) fp7 (53) horizon europe (22) dkm (15) ekon modeling software systems ltd. (2) collaborative knowledge management and marketplace (2) dynamic knowledge management (2) weldgalaxy project (2) pharmaledger project (2) patient collaboration platform (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Providing cloud-based collaborative knowledge management and marketplace software helps businesses collect, connect, share and democratize the knowledge and insights across the entire organization. Operate collaboratively for an advanced and improved business operation and research.

DKM, an interest-business network within your organisation, provides an online representation of individuals’ interests organised in virtual spaces forming knowledge communities.

DKM, a web based system, brings together in a concise manner, project-related and research entity data, which presented in visualized mode, provides ease of use for effective management.

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