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iSpecialise is a local Auckland plumbing business that does just what our name says. We specialise in clearing and inspecting clogged and blocked drains, locating drainage for alterations or renovations, underground leak detection services, internal leaks using thermal imaging, pre-purchase plumbing inspections and water heating solutions .

We have invested in state-of-the-art plumbing equipment that general plumbing businesses don’t have access to and focus only on work that this equipment is required. For 1manbetx.nte , we rely on our Ridgid KJ5000 high-pressure water hydro jetter, which sprays out an astonishing 5000pSi of water pressure. For 1manbetx , we depend on the Sewerin A150 kit, complemented by the A100; water combined with compressed air, allows us to trace the waterline and pinpoint the underground leak. And, for hard to find int

Do you have a blocked drain in Auckland? Yes? Then you need iUnblock! We understand having a clogged drain is not pleasant and that it needs rectifying as soon as possible. With our specialist drain unblocking equipment, we will have your water flowing again in a jiffy.