elainetaylorklaus.net - About Elaine Taylor-Klaus / Co-Founder and Certified Coach | ImpactADHD®

Description: Support and community for ADHD families. As an ADHD adult and parent herself, Elaine believes ADHD coaching for parents is essential in helping complex kids thrive.

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When my daughter was just two weeks old, she started to scream. It didn’t stop. As other kids passed childhood milestones, she struggled to master simple life skills. Instead of sleepovers and summer camp, she went to vision therapy and occupational therapy. Instead of forming friendships, she changed schools again and again. My daughter carried the heavy, lonely burden of not just one life-changing diagnosis, but many: ADHD, anxiety, and learning disabilities on the one hand, and severe allergies with addi

As parents, we want to carry it for them. I wanted to pick her up and make everything better. Knowing that I couldn’t – that was one of the most painful, difficult learning experiences of my first decade as a parent of a “complex” kid.

Equally challenging was the incredible isolation. It seemed like parents of other complex kids found each other. It was as if they had radar and could seek out others who struggled, just as they did. Sharing the load – talking about challenges and solutions and just making contact – makes it that much lighter. I felt like I was completely off the radar, that even among the complex kids, mine was more complicated.