elanenergymanagement.com - We transform waste tyres into sustainable raw materials with no waste or by-products.

Description: Elan is a Tyre Resource Recovery Facility. Pioneering a unique process of resource recovery from waste tyres, providing cost effective, energy-efficient raw materials.

oil (4318) steel (2712) raw materials (172) resource recovery (28) tire recycling (20) tyre recycling (16) tyre disposal (8) tyre resource recovery (1) carbon matrix (1) waste to resources (1)

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Tyre resource recovery re-defined.

We’ve pioneered a unique process of resource recovery from waste tyres, which will mean energy-efficient raw materials becoming available. As a result, Australia will be able to benefit from sustainably recovered resources with significantly less impact on our environment than from traditional mined sources and supply chains.

All of the materials Elan recovers from waste tyres will be broken down into their three core components – energy-efficient Carbon Matrix, beneficial Light Oil and quality Milled Steel. All with no waste or by-products.