elcemi.biz - Sabor de Borinquen! - El Cemi

Description: El Cemi is a restaurant established since November 2021 and is focused on the Puerto Rican Cuisine culture. Come and enjoy our food

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Example domain paragraphs

THIS MUSEUM IN THE MOUNTAINS of central  Puerto Rico  gets its name and shape directly from its subject. The three-pointed stone shape is a  cemi , an important spiritual object among the Taíno, an indigenous people of the Caribbean region. The El Cemi Museum in Jayuya showcases cemis and other Taíno artifacts in its unusually-shaped home.

For the Taíno, each cemi is a deity or ancestral spirit housed in a sculptural object.  The carvings bring the spirit to life. Cemis were made of stone and other materials, and though designs vary, the three-pointed form is a common element. Scholars believe that the cemi’s shape was inspired by the Tres Picachos (Three Peaks) mountain, which the Taíno held sacred. The central point represents a mountain peak—home to Yaya, the Creator. The mouth-like point represents Coabey, the land of the dead. The final
