electionhonesty.net - Abortion - Pro Life - Blowing Apart A Dozen Myths About President Trump

Description: It's one thing to be mistaken about a candidate, or not to have the whole story. There's nothing reprehensible about that, and we all learn new things each day. But to stubbornly refuse to learn the truth about a candidate, or to spread lies even after they have been refuted, is just wrong. Below are a dozen lies that have been told repeatedly by President Trump's opponents, and the refutation of them. Please spread election honesty.

child (2393) abortion (758) pro-life (530) prolife (315) unborn (254) anti-abortion (237) preborn (234) antiabortion (177)

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Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

It's one thing to be mistaken about a candidate, or not to have the whole story. There's nothing reprehensible about that, and we all learn new things each day.

But to stubbornly refuse to learn the truth about a candidate, or to spread lies even after they have been refuted, is just wrong.