Description: The interaction of environmental pollutants with electromagnetic fields in the induction of childhood leukaemia and other illnesses
emf (192) melatonin (66) electromagnetic fields (23) pylons (22) magnetic fields (9) alpha-radiation (6) powerlines (6) electric fields (6) natural radiation (3) radon daughters (1)
The Human Radiation Effects Group
We are interested in the environmental factors linked to the incidence of childhood leukaemia. One particular focus is the role played by electric and magnetic fields associated with the electricity supply. Two aspects are being investigated. The first concerns the role of corona ion emission from high voltage powerlines and how this may explain the observation of increased incidence of childhood leukaemia up to 600 metres from high voltage powerlines in England and Wales. The second concerns the mechanisms
The Group is supported by CHILDREN with LEUKAEMIA. Britain's leading charity dedicated to the conquest of Childhood leukaemia