electric-wonderland.eu - Electric Wonderland

Description: Electric Wonderland is a 7-day international maker/hacker camp in Croatia combining art, technology, culture and science with DIY (do-it-youself), DIWO (do-it-with-others), DITO (do-it-together) cultures.

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Electric Wonderland is a 7-day international maker/hacker camp in Croatia combining art, technology, culture and science with DIY (do-it-youself), DIWO (do-it-with-others), DITO (do-it-together) cultures. International and domestic guests are invited to teach, collaborate or do a residence during the camp, BUT the participants of the camp can also take their part in leading workshops, facilitating OFF the Grid Labs, guiding a hiking or field trips, or do what they think might be interesting to the camp part

We are building in 2023 a real dwelling in the form of a geodesic dome to sustain within the location of Camp Velebit for many editions of the Electric Wonderland camp. The scope of the dome is 7,5m and cca 4m high. The dome is prepared and partially built before the beginning of our camp, meaning it will be finished and opened on the second day of EW2023. After that, activities will be moved and set-up in the dome. If you apply for this masterclass you will get a unique opportunity to learn how to build a

CircuitCircle workshop offers an opportunity to solder a wide range of DIY synthkits (Screamo, LDRerror, TouchSynth, etc.) and also some sound modules for circuit bending (Delay, Loopmodules). You can learn how to solder, build your own little noise setup with this combination of kits and he will show you how to use your noise toys in a proper way. Afterwards people can jam together and perform in the participant orchestra. So stay tuned for some funky and weird DIY experience.

Links to electric-wonderland.eu (3)