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AS is a rare autoimmune disease that is lacking in awareness, research and treatments. Did you know the frequency of Axial Spondyloarthritis is about 1.4% of the population. It is not uncommon to hear of people suffering for 10 to 20 years before they were properly diagnosed. Even today, about half of the people with AS end up waiting five or more years for their diagnosis. Spondyloarthritis affects more people than Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA),

Read More One morning I awoke with a sense of urgency coupled with an inkling of an idea. As I started to expand on it my proverbial lightbulb ignited with such force a vision was forged. My goal/hope is by daring to do something great and perhaps a little unorthodox with a touch of irrationality given my condition, that I am able to provide a space and opportunity so that funds and awareness can be raised for AS and the Canadian Spondyloarthritis Association (CSA). I’m not a doctor nor a professional in an

With that in mind my plan is to “Electrify AS” and ride my bicycle towing a self-reliant solar powered trailer from coast to coast across Canada. I figure once I complete that, there will literally be nowhere left to go… so I may as well turn around and head back. Coast to coast, to coast here we go! Forever upwards and onwards!

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