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On January 19, we S7 team invited by the nanning together dou spirit team tactics, nanning, nanning dragon field club held "guangxi wargame carnival". and confirm our elements of C3 pick up noise cancelling headphones as well as for players to friends in live ammunition firing range of use. more> >

The Warcraft Medal of D.O.W, the WarGame event of Beijing Sikelang International Sports, will be unveiled by Beijing Shi Kelang International Sports Culture Co., Ltd. on March 30 this year after experiencing two events in 2018 last year... more> >

May 25-26, June 5 yellow, what a hot season, hunan police academy has carried out a unique "summer"! Changsha the first "flying geese cup challenge water play game, after two days of competition, a complete success! more> >

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