Description: Ready: Why Women Are Embracing the New Later Motherhood by Elizabeth Gregory explores the growing trend of moms starting families later in life., Quotation and Modern American Poetry by Elizabeth Gregory, The Critical Response to Marianne Moore edited by Elizabeth Gregory, Blog Author Domestic Product
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Author and academic Elizabeth Gregory writes about the politics and economics of women’s work—both in the home and outside it—and about 20th- and 21st-century poetry. • MORE ABOUT ELIZABETH
November 22, 2016 MSA, Pasadena Session: Archive, Canvas, Stage: Extraliterary Dynamics of Modernist Performance Paper: “Is Ray Johnson Marianne Moore?: Dialogic Celebrity”
January 2017 MLA, Philadelphia: "Aging & Fertility in Poetry and Prose, a Cross-Disciplinary Reading" Table Talk 2017, Hilton Americas, Houston