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Description: The ELLA learning website offers inclusive educational tools for a variety of contemporary subjects and cutting edge examples of inclusive adult education for people with and without disabilities. We aim to offer support by sharing experiences and creating safe and informative guides to help everyone at having a chance to succeed and use their abilities in life.

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Caravan 2000 International for Diversity and Understanding is according to its statutes non-political association, but in these times we feel the deep need to give a political statement. We are very shocked by the images of war and the great humanitarian catastrophe going on in Ukraine. Not only in Europe, but in many other countries worldwide we see people and Civil Society groups demonstrate for peace and condemn the act of aggression and violence, bringing so much pain, traumas and death to Ukrainian, bu

We ask the responsible to immediately stop the war and return to peace!

Our main target group, people with disabilities, will suffer even more from war actions, as they have no longer access to necessary medicine and therapies and are one of the most vulnerable groups of society. All Caravan members unite their voices and express their solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We stand by your side!