Description: As your local health department, we are here to help you and your family be as healthy as possible. We have over 20 programs and services to help educate, motivate and empower individuals in our service are to make safe and healthy choices. To make sure that you are informed of all of our classes and events and receive our health information tips and updates, please register your email address with us, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
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Stepping On Fall Prevention Virtual Class
Please join us for our Stepping On Fall Prevention virtual / computer-based class series. This series will begin on July 12th at 10am and will be held weekly (each Wednesday) for 7 weeks. Registration is required - please see below. Stepping On helps to prevent falls in people aged 60+. Topics include: identifying hazards, strength & balance exercises, learning how vision, hearing, medication and footwear affect your risk of falling.
Heartsaver CPR (Norfolk)