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IT was only natural that India took the lead in hosting the One World TB Summit in Varanasi recently, because the country still has the high-est burden of tuberculosis in the world. Not only do we ac-count for almost a quarter of the total 10 million peo-ple afflicted with TB annually, we also lose more than 400,000 people a year to the disease, more than a third of the world’s annual toll of 1.4 million. At the venue in Va-ranasi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated India’s commitment to eliminate TB b

Deepti underwent treatment for Multi-Drug-Resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) for six long years. The drugs she was prescribed had extreme side-effects: One drug, cycloserine, makes you suicidal, irritable....you just lose your mind. The family feels that the patient is doing this because he/she is frustrated, but it's the medicine which makes them behave thus. Another drug, clofazimine, turned her skin dark, and the drastic change in her appearance scared her further. The side effects of MDR treatment can be g


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