- emailshuttle | mobile Mail for all

email (30862) ssl (6908) webmail (1535) unabhängig (346) virus protection (229) malware protection (10) document viewer (6) mailclient (5) perfect forwarded secrecy (1)

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Our service (known in the past as Web@Mail Conkret) has existed since 1998 and has evolved steadily over the years. In 2020 we completely renewed our appearance. Since our app is used internationally in more than 60 countries, we decided in parallel to a new name. Conkret became Emailshuttle.

Emailshuttle is not a start-up, not a big company but yet a global player, because our app is already being used in over 60 countries around the world. The app has been tested by over 30,000 users for several years now. This test phase is now over and thus the app is charged.

We put a lot of time and resources into the development of this application and we want to continue to improve it in the future. Our prices, however, remain moderate – you will receive our service for a monthly price comparable to the price of a cup of coffee. As the English writer and social philosopher John Ruskin (1819-1900) aptly stated: The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot – it can’t be done.

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