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Having been re-introduced to American Psychological Association (APA) Style while working on my master's I realized that I probably spent more time working with APA Style issues than I did in researching and writing the paper! It is not that I am against using consistent styles and proper attribution. I learned to seriously write using the journalistic Associated Press Stylebook and have worked in the corporate world long enough to understand the need for styles and templates. But at what point do you say,

I spent hours trying to decipher how to correctly annotate items only to find out the publishers of APA Style could not even get their publication correct. http://supp.apa.org/style/PM6E-1st-Printing-Reprint-Corrections.pdf. If they can't do it, how do they expect anyone else to do it? Thank goodness for the Purdue Online Writing Lab. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/1/ . It was and invaluable resource.

With budgets being scrutinized throughout institutions, academic and otherwise, people will be looking for efficiencies and getting the most for their money. I think it is about time to put the APA Style approach out-to-pasture. They are now up to APA Style 6 and that is about four-to-five versions too many, from my perspective.