emergingfutures.community - Emerging Futures Fund Projects 2020/2021

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This website is an index of all the projects , and updates about progress along the way.

It’s been a busy couple of months for projects as we approach the end of the Emerging Future Fund programme, with projects producing amazing films, websites, guidebooks, and hosting events, workshops, and event market stalls to showcase their work.

4MMM - Launched 4M’s Femifesto for Our Post-lockdown Futures. The Femifesto was created in response to the Government’s failings in their response to COVID-19. We spoke together on how we, as women would have different priorities and how we could draw on our experience and expertise, as women living with HIV, as mothers and 4M peer support mentors, to imagine a better response, for all of us. We want to see three things: Health Equity for every individual; Unlimited potential; Compassion and humanity.

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