The EMS is the association of Meteorological Societies in Europe. The network consists of 38 Member Societies and 30 Associate Members . The EMS is a non-profit-making organisation. The EMS Annual Meetings attract some 600 people each year from all sectors of the field. With a number of Awards outstanding contributions to the science, its applications and communication are honoured; young scientists are supported through conference grants .
The Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2023 is given to two eminent scientists who have both made innovative contributions and had profound influence on the boundary-layer meteorology community: Sue Grimmond and Larry Mahrt. The award ceremony will be held during the EMS2023 in Bratislava in September. [more]
Sarah Jones, Germany, will receive the EMS Silver Medal 2023 to recognize her significant contributions to the understanding and modelling of tropical systems and extra-tropical transitions, her outstanding leadership merits and her strong involvement with the Young Earth System Science community. [more]