emmabonnin.co.uk - Emma Bonnin – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

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Example domain paragraphs

After studying for a degree in music at Bangor University I went on to complete a masters in social work.  During this time I worked in a  broad range of settings which included several secure units for young people; a residential unit for ex-offenders; a drug rehab unit; a homelessness project; various residential homes for people with learning difficulties; the Emergency Duty Team for Edinburgh Social Services and as a co-facilitator for the Edinburgh Education Department co-ordinating activities for chil

After qualifying  as a social worker  I took up a post as a Care Co-ordinator in a large community mental health team based at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.  This was where I trained in person centred planning and where I became more interested in psychology.

Moving to Northumberland in 2001 I was appointed to develop and manage a homelessness project in Northumberland.  At the same time I completed a conversion degree in Psychology at Newcastle University.