emmepiemme-srl.com - Ohmic Heater | Emmepiemme srl | Emilia-Romagna

Description: Leader in Ohmic Heating technology, Emmepiemme srl produces a wide range of plants for food industries and other fields.

food (18645) industrial (7130) heating (3763) plant (1211) microwave (583) heater (455) friction (73) pasteurization (12) ohmic (2) aseptyc (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Log In Innovation in Processing Advanced Ohmic Heating Technology .comp-kzxz8omy { --wix-color-1: 255,255,255; --wix-color-2: 212,214,215; --wix-color-3: 99,103,105; --wix-color-4: 70,75,78; --wix-color-5: 24,26,28; --wix-color-6: 194,210,221; --wix-color-7: 152,173,187; --wix-color-8: 96,130,153; --wix-color-9: 29,83,119; --wix-color-10: 32,43,51; --wix-color-11: 255,217,170; --wix-color-12: 255,198,128; --wix-color-13: 255,140,0; --wix-color-14: 170,94,0; --wix-color-15: 85,47,0; --wix-color-16: 255,170,1

We guarantee the safest and most flavorful results on the market.

Also, our technology is sustainable and implies very short processing times, while maintaining intact the original microstructure of the product.

Links to emmepiemme-srl.com (1)