Description: Swiss Society for Emotion-Focused Therapies (EFT-CH). Board. Members. Presentation of the EFT-CH Members by Name, Specialty and Languages. International delegates:. The human encounter. Honorary Members. Franz Caspar, Prof. Dr.. Ann Weiser Cornell, Dr.. Robert Elliott, Ph.D.. Diana Fosha, Ph.D.. Les Greenberg, Ph.D.. Sue Johnson, Dr.. Past Presidents. Dr. Ueli Kramer, PhD President of EFT-CH 2015-2020. The human encounter. Contact. [email protected]. The human encounter. Here a flyer for free di
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The human encounter
The Swiss Society of Emotion-Focused Therapies (EFT-CH) is an association within the meaning of art. 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code. EFT-CH was founded in Bern, on April, 25th, 2015. The purpose of EFT-CH is to promote activities aimed at enhancing the clinical and theoretical aspects of the psychotherapeutic approaches focused on emotions (namely Emotion-Focused Therapy, EFT). As such, EFT-CH encourages the meeting of people involved in professional activities related to research and/or clinical practi
Today, in January 2020, the EFT-CH board counts 6 members, elected until 2021. Dr. Catalina Woldarsky, PhD President Dr. Marielle Sutter, PhD Vice-President Dr. Emma Schmied PhD Finances MPs Lorena Gamboa Member MPs Alexine Thompson Member M. Sc. Ben Kneubühler Member