empiresnafu.org - HyperMart

Description: In the decades since S.N.A.F.U's death, The EMPIRE S.N.A.F.U. RESTORATION PROJECT has labored to locate, preserve, restore, and publicize S.N.A.F.U's visionary testament so that the recently evolved may benefit.

snafu (16) visionary artist (16) empire s.n.a.f.u empiresnafu empire snafu the empire s.n.a.f.u restoration s.n.a.f.u. project mad genius nidus monad schizophrenic visionary

Example domain paragraphs

<p style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"> This site has not been updated in many years, and i've been even more reluctant to update it since the death of Lisa Bufano who originally built and coded this page all the way back in 1999. More current EMPIRE SNAFU images maybe found at https://www.instagram.com/empires.n.a.f.u/ And Empire Snafu Videos (including some performances by Lisa Bufano) maybe seen at https://vimeo.com/empiresnafu

And the page for Torrent Engine 18 building (the future permanent home of Empire SNAFU) is over http://www.torrentengine18.org here</a> </p>