empixxphoto.com - 大众彩票 -(中国)百科全书

Description: 大众彩票 -(中国)百科全书国内首款无插件休闲竞技的h5游戏,完美兼容X217/AMD的安卓手机模拟器,实现支持手机、平板电脑、PC三屏联动,并支持安卓、iOS操作系统,多端同步玩游戏。

大众彩票 (218)

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I said I’d upload some pictures from my maritimes trip with Nathan to this blog, however I failed and left my card reader at home, as well as the cord (because I never use the cord!) I can show you some from my other camera, but the really good ones will have to wait. This computer doesn’t have a slot for CF cards only SD cards.

So I will try to remember to take a few pictures with Canon Jr. but until then, I’ll leave you with this, our photo at the halfway point between the equator and the North Pole lol.

We were in Cavendish today, and kind of all over PEI. Just going to head out for dinner now, and to pick up some wine, since our hotel room was given to a bunch of soccer kids, and we got moved to a gorgeous jacuzzi suite instead.. I suppose that’s alright рџ™‚