empoweredhealthsolution.com - Alla Rosina Eden Energy Medicine | Princeton NJ

Description: Alla Rosina is an Advanced Eden Energy medicine practitioner who helps women struggling with chronic health challenges to resolve their health issues, relieve pain, gain more energy and get strong and resilient.

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HOME WORK WITH ME ABOUT CONTACT ALLA HOME WORK WITH ME ABOUT Reclaim your health, vitality and wellbeing! A natural and powerful approach to healing

‘ Thank you sooooo much for healing me!  I was in such terrible pain a week after oral surgery.  By the time you finished working with me, I had no pain whatsoever.  I couldn't believe it.  Your explanations made sense and that also helped.  Here I am a day later and I don't even need to take any over-the-counter medication for pain.  I slept like a rock for the first time since the surgery. ‘

‘I have been working with Alla for over 3 years … she has been instrumental on my healing journey. I was struggling with a series of autoimmune issues including Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Interstitial Cystitis. As a result of doing my “homework” and some deeper work, I have been able to reduce the amount of thyroid supplementation and feel better than I have in over 20 years . Alla has taught me how to manage my stress levels and keeps my energies humming! ‘