empresshr.com - EMPRESS - Best Human Resource Information System (HRIS)

Description: Employee Productivity Escalation System (EMPRESS) - The Best Human Resource Information System (HRIS) in Bangladesh

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“ Em ployee Pr oductivity Es calation S ystem ( Empress )” is a multi-company/location supported Human Resource Information System ( HRIS ) to manage employees and their daily activities which is more than HR & Payroll System, developed by Azolution Software & Engineers Ltd . To save time and to improve the Human Resource Management, Empress v5.0 is a very innovative solution to manage Employee Record, Attendance, Movement, Leave, Conveyance, Payroll, Performance, Recruitment, etc. very efficiently. The res

Empress is fully web based solution where you can access it from anywhere, anytime.

Empress offering some WOW features in mobile version. It supports Android, Windows Phone, IOS