emslimpro.com - EMSlimPRO® - Najbardziej zaawansowany i intensywny elektromagnetyczny stymulator mięśni.

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Let your­self be con­vinced by the new device 2020. The non-invas­ive meth­od of effect­ively burn­ing fat and build­ing muscle at the same time offers far more advantages.

EMSlim­PRO®  - High-intens­ity elec­tro­mag­net­ic muscle train­er is a med­ic­al tech­no­logy used in aes­thet­ic medi­cine. It uses a focused elec­tro­mag­net­ic field with a safe level of intens­ity. The elec­tro­mag­net­ic field passes non-invas­ively through the human body and inter­acts with motor neur­ons, which then trig­ger supra­max­im­al muscle contractions.

EMSlim­PRO®  is used as a non-invas­ive abdom­in­al and but­tocks mod­el­ing treat­ment. Sev­er­al recent stud­ies using CT, MRI, and ultra­sound have repor­ted an approx­im­ately 19% reduc­tion in sub­cu­taneous fat in patients treated with the HI-EMT abdom­in­al machine. The prin­ciple of cel­lu­lar apop­tos­is induced by increased con­cen­tra­tions of free fatty acids has already been observed and demon­strated in numer­ous sci­entif­ic studies.