emwims.org - WIMS - Waste Information Management System

Description: WIMS is a web-based planning and forecasting system, built for the U.S. Department of Energy by the Applied Research Center (ARC) at Florida International University (FIU). It provides a user-friendly online system to gather, organize, and present radioactive waste forecast and transportation information from DOE sites. WIMS helps to easily visualize, understand, and manage the vast volumes of radioactive waste, material classes, and disposition pathways.

Example domain paragraphs

WIMS is developed to provide DOE Headquarters and site waste managers with the tools necessary to easily visualize, understand, and manage the vast volumes, categories, and problems of forecasted waste streams. 

WIMS meets this need by providing a user-friendly online system to gather, organize, and present waste forecast data from DOE sites.  This system provides a method for identification of waste forecast volumes, material classes, disposition pathways, and potential choke points and barriers to final disposition. 

Links to emwims.org (1)