en-eva-lopez.blogspot.com.es - Eva López, PhD. Evidence-based Athletic Training for Climbing

Description: climbinb, training, hangboard, fingerboard, hangboarding, finger strength, climbing coach, evidence-based, science-based, education, athletic training

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In the middle of the rush for applying AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning to training apps, #Happy Fingers wants you, rather than the machine, to be the one that actually learns something. It wants to make you smarter. Happy Fingers has the following goals : • Answering all of your questions related to finger training for climbing; • Carefully guiding you in the process of choosing some training method or grip type; • Describing how to warm up ; how to hang or how to perform each program; • T

I’m Eva López; climbing is my passion and the topic of my doctoral thesis on Finger Endurance and Strength Training in Climbing . I developed Happy Fingers with the aim of making you the main character in your growth process , looking at the reasons behind any hitch you find while training, offering strategies to keep your motivation or progressing in the long run. Of course, your personal situation, objectives and needs will always be part of the equation. All of the above is based on the most up to date r

I want to make clear that the Happy Fingers app does not automatically churn out training programs from some initial evaluation. It's best characterized as an interactive ebook full of information and advice, but it will never command you to follow some path without challenging it. Individualization is a staple of training, the Holy Grail. You decide. You’re on the driver’s seat.