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Log in Sign up EN Books We Pretend To Read By Gunnar Berger & Chuck Hirstius Those that work in Silicon Valley know that there are some books that everyone is all but required to read: The Lean Startup, The Innovators Dilemma & The 4-hour Work Week are a few. The books change with the seasons, yet somehow CEOs chug through 60 books a year, while you're just trying to get your product shipped on time. That's where we come in! Chuck and Gunnar work in the tech world but in different areas (Engineering vs Prod

Books We Pretend To Read Update Not a normal episode, just an update for our listeners. We are still alive, lots of things going on in our lives right now, which we share in this episode.

Monetizing Innovation (with Brett Waldman) Have you ever wondered why soda at a movie theatre is $6 for a small and $7 for a large. Both are insane prices to pay for a coke, but marketers use the comparison to make us feel that $7 is a good deal. Tiny tricks like this are all around us and explored in Monetizing Innovation by Madhavan Ramanujam & Georg Tacke. This book looks at the tips and tricks of how we can innovate simply by changing the way we present features in our products and adjusting pricing to