englishmatters.eu - English Matters: Cursos en Europa - Programas para profesorado, jovenes estudiantes, adultos y familias.

Description: Courses in Europe. Programmes for Teachers, Young Students, Adults and Families.

ingles (385) erasmus (349) erasmus plus (57) cursos ingles (15)

Example domain paragraphs

As the coordinator of Erasmus projects in our school, but also in the name of our director, I would like to thank you for the structured course to which our colleagues participated in Helsinki. They were really happy to take part in this course and they came back motivated and wanting to share their experience with us all. Thank you for this! We are looking forward to participating in other courses in the future.Sincerely,

We have to thank you for your support. Our colleagues have been very happy having attended your seminar in Helsinki and we 're looking forward to meeting you in Reykiavik in March! Best wishes

The participants realy enjoyed the course in Finland and your good organisation. Thank you.

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