enicu.com - eNICU

Description: Welcome to eNICU! The Ultimate electronic neonatal intensive care unit website created by ICU RN Chris Green! Find NICU articles, NICU support groups, Books, News, Learn about the future of remote NICU monitoring. Parents can always see their little wonder(s)!

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It's a tribute to the late George Orwell that his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, which was written in 1949, still resonates today whenever the topic turns to any type of video surveillance. The idea that "Big Brother is watching you" has found a place in the collective world psyche. However, a "big brother" doesn't have to be a symbol of a totalitarian regime bent on squelching thought and ensuring conformity. A big brother also can be a friend, mentor, and confidant who helps make your life easier.

The ability to receive immediate help from an intensivist or an eICU nurse is one of the program's best features, said Linda Meyer, RN, an eICU nurse with Mercy SafeWatch in St. Louis. "I think if you're a new or inexperienced ICU nurse, it would be great to know you can just push a button and speak with an experienced ICU nurse," Meyer said. "It's nice to be able to bounce ideas off someone else, or just say, 'Can you take a look at what I have here?'" Meyer moved from the ICU to the eICU in August 2007. "

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