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Description: Busing -Not Integration- Opposed: Invoke Our Color-Blind Constitution to End It; by Elmer Enstrom, Jr. Public-interest lawyer Enstrom presents a reasoned opposition to race-based affirmative action in public schools.

school (12997) integration (1867) race (1785) constitution (649) class action (177) pro bono (82) carlin (28) desegregation (6) enstrom (6) busing (1)

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An important issue today is judicially sanctioned affirmative action in public schools, known simply as "busing", to racially balance them. Mandatory busing of innocent students, on a racial basis, is generally considered "reverse discrimination" as evidenced by recent state legislative steps against such forms of affirmative action. But a quicker means of ending busing occurring in desegregation actions may be by constitutionally objecting to it in those cases.

The issue is examined in the book Busing —Not Integration— Opposed , by Elmer Enstrom, Jr. , a public interest lawyer, evolving from his pro bono representation of San Diego anti-busing parents and students in Carlin v. Board of Education from 1980 until the case's end in 1998. Along with a brief history of court-ordered desegregation of schools, the precedents and reasoning used by busing proponents, Enstrom recounts his clients' success in intervening and posing constitutional objections to prevent forced

The book shows how persons aggrieved by forced busing may Invoke Our Color-Blind Constitution to End It. It presents a Reasoned Opposition to Race-Based Affirmative Action in Public Schools to the national dialogue invited by the President's Initiative on Race.