enterpriseissexy.com - Enterprise is Sexy | Enterprise might be the sexy du jour, but from mainframes to mobile, everything was sexy at some point.

Description: Enterprise might be the sexy du jour, but from mainframes to mobile, everything was sexy at some point.

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I think enterprise software is sexy as hell.  There, I said it. I think creating value that customers will pay for is extremely hot. A recurring revenue stream makes me giddy.  And nothing, absolutely nothing, turns my head more than profitability.

Why is enterprise boring by definition?  How can improving or changing the way people do business not get you fired up?   Even when I was a noob to the Valley, I still preferred business over consumer. Maybe it’s just because I don’t understand consumers or I don’t want to fall prey to their fickle nature.  Maybe I really am just old and boring and can’t accept it.  Or maybe it’s because I grew up in the age of SaaS .  At my first startup in 1998, we didn’t even know what to call it. We said, “Um, it lives

The inspiration for this blog came after reading a great article  in TechCrunch where Alexander Haislip  explains that the model to follow is not Instagram, but companies that have “real intellectual property, obvious monetization and a plethora of cash-rich potential acquirers.”  I loved Alex’s contrast on the statistical exit probability and valuations of consumer and enterprise markets…. but it was the reader comments that hooked me. It was a lively debate and I’d wager I could guess the age of each comm