eoinbutler.com - Tripping Along The LedgeTripping Along The Ledge - Mayoman of the Year

Description: Mayoman of the Year

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Firstly, for the optimal reader experience, this article should be perused on high quality parchment, in a dry, air-conditioned room, over a glass of chardonnay, with a jazz quartet playing softly in the corridor outside.

Failing that, you can read it off your phone on the back seat of a moving Ford Fiesta. But that’s on you. You’ll be ignoring the expressed wishes of the creative genius behind this article.As a writer, I didn’t used to be so precious about these things. But now I’m taking my cues from Denis Villeneuve, the visionary director behind the sci-fi blockbuster Dune.

As the pandemic grinds on inexorably, he advised the public to see his film in theatres, saying that to watch it on a smaller screen would be like “driving a speedboat in your bathtub.”