epigenetics.fr - Grenoble Epigenetics Club – Gathering scientists interested in chromatin and nuclear biology

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For the last 10 years, the Grenoble scientific community has been demonstrating a growing interest in the field of chromatin , transcription, epigenetics and RNA biology . This Club has been initiated to facilitate our interactions , and hopefully spark off new collaborative projects .

The organizing committee is currently animated by Jérôme Govin (IAB), Jan Kadlec (IBS), Marco Marcia (EMBL), André Verdel (IAB) and Chloé Zubieta (PCV). They organize several meetings each year, usually in autumn, winter and spring. Their location rotates between IAB , IBS and EMBL . We also regularly organize symposia, as in 2013, 2015 and 2020. Sign up for our mailing list (below) to make sure you don’t miss the next one!

Two other clubs have recently been launched in Grenoble: Host-Pathogen Interactions and Drug Discovery .

Links to epigenetics.fr (2)